Terms of Use for Pictalk™ applications

Article 1: Purpose

These Terms and Conditions or General Terms of Use legally govern the use of the services of the Pictalk website (hereinafter referred to as "the site").
Constituting the agreement between the company PICTALK SPEECH MADE EASY, the User, access to the site must be preceded by the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. Access to this platform implies acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

Article 2: Legal Notice

The publication of the Pictalk website is ensured by the company PICTALK SPEECH MADE EASY, a non-profit association registered with the RCS under number 911 547 222, with its registered office located at 13, rue pierre marion, 69005, Metropolitan France.
The host of the website www.pictalk.org is the company Digital Ocean and Gandi.

Article 3: Access to the site

The Pictalk site allows free access to the following services:
• Storage and management of pictograms and images;
• Sharing of pictograms and images with other users.

The site is accessible for free from anywhere by any user with Internet access. All costs necessary for accessing the services (computer hardware, Internet connection, etc.) are the responsibility of the user.
Access to services dedicated to members is done with a username and password.
For maintenance reasons or others, access to the site may be interrupted or suspended by the publisher without prior notice or justification.

Article 4: Data collection

For the creation of the User's account, collecting information at the time of registration on the site is necessary and mandatory. In accordance with law No. 78-17 of January 6, relating to data protection, collection and processing of personal information are carried out with respect for privacy.
In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, articles 39 and 40, the User has the right to access, correct, delete, and oppose their personal data. This right can be exercised through:
• The contact form;
• Their customer space.

Article 5: Intellectual property

The trademarks, logos, and contents of the Pictalk website (graphic illustrations, text...) are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and copyright law.
Reproduction and copying of content by the User require prior authorization from the site. In this case, any use for commercial purposes or for advertising purposes is prohibited.

Article 6: Liability

Although the information published on the site is deemed reliable, the site reserves the right not to guarantee the reliability of the sources.
The information disseminated on the Pictalk site is presented for purely informative purposes and is not contractually binding. Despite regular updates, the site cannot be held responsible for any changes in administrative and legal provisions that may occur after publication. The same applies to the use and interpretation of the information communicated on the platform.
The site disclaims all responsibility for any viruses that may infect the user's computer equipment after using or accessing this site.
The site cannot be held responsible in cases of force majeure or unforeseeable and insurmountable acts of third parties.
The complete guarantee of the security and confidentiality of data is not ensured by the site. However, the site undertakes to implement all necessary methods to do so to the best of its ability.

Article 7: Hypertext links

The site may contain hyperlinks. By clicking on these, the User will leave the platform. The site has no control and cannot be held responsible for the content of the web pages related to these links.

Article 8: Cookies

During visits to the site, the automatic installation of a cookie on the User's browsing software may occur.
Cookies are small files temporarily stored on the hard drive of the user's computer. These cookies are necessary to ensure accessibility and navigation on the site. These files do not contain personal information and cannot be used for identifying individuals.
The information present in the cookies is used to improve browsing performance on the site www.pictalk.org.
By browsing the site, the User accepts cookies. Disabling them can be done through the browser settings.

Article 9: User publications

The Pictalk site allows members to publish images, pictograms, and text related to the pictogram or image. These publications are initially stored in the user's private folder. However, the user has the option to share these elements with other users if desired.
In their publications, the member must respect Netiquette rules and current laws.
The site has the right to exercise prior moderation over publications and may reject their publication without having to provide justification.
The member retains all intellectual property rights over the images, pictograms, and texts they publish. However, any publication on the site implies the delegation of the non-exclusive and free right to the publishing company to represent, reproduce, modify, adapt, distribute, and disseminate the publication anywhere and on any medium for the duration of the intellectual property. This can be done directly or through an authorized third party.
The User is responsible for all content they post online. The User agrees not to publish content that may harm the interests of third parties. Any legal proceedings initiated by a harmed third party against the site will be the responsibility of the User.

Article 11: Duration of the contract

This contract is valid for an indefinite period. The start of using the site's services marks the application of the contract to the User.

Article 12: Applicable law and jurisdiction

This contract is subject to French law. In the absence of an amicable resolution of disputes between the parties, the competent French courts will be used to settle the dispute.