Create AAC Resources
Creator AAC helps to create sequencers, weekly planners, life notebooks, and other resources using its limitless editor.

Explore the AAC in all simplicity
Tools like Word™, Paint™, or Photoshop™ are not optimized for creating resources in Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC). With Creator AAC, gone are the days of searching for pictograms on Google Images or ARASAAC, then manually downloading them to create a life notebook or a weekly planner. Assisting a person with a disability is already complex enough. As caregivers and older siblings, we have designed Creator AAC to save you time and energy in your daily life. In the end, it is your energy and creativity that matter most. Preserving them is our commitment. Search, click, drag and drop your pictograms, images, texts, and other contents into your projects.
Accessible from your phone, tablet, or computer
View your resources from your phone and edit them from your tablet or computer. Whether you're on vacation, at a facility, in a rush, or outdoors, you can continue to educate using AAC resources.
AAC is meant to be shared
Your energy is precious and we know it. We provide you with templates of sequencers, weekly planners, calendars, life notebooks, and much more. If you work in a facility, you can share your resources with all professionals to avoid reinventing the wheel each time.

Help for Caregivers